Monday, February 25, 2008

Word for the Year

A lot of my friends have picked a word for the year, and they will try to live their lives to match that word. I would like to thank Ninja Rencher for providing me with my word "emotionally-unavailable." I'm not really sure what the word means; I think he got it from one of those new age girls talking about their emotions magazines.

I think I will learn a lot about myself as I try to discover what this girl jargon means, and I get in touch with my feminine side. My guess is that it will help strengthen my inner self to allow for more callousness in my dolling out lethal attacks (See blog post "The Haunting Eyes of the Damned", February 19, 2008). Or maybe just a way to get out of phone calls with my relatives. "I'm sorry he can't come to the phone, he's emotionally unavailable at the moment. Could I take a message?"

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