Thursday, February 14, 2008

The way of the foos

Of the training I do as an Illegal Ninja, the most critical part is my foosball training. This may seem unrelated to ninjaing; your wrong and I'm disappointed that you didn't see the connection. First, the hand eye coordination and quick wrist reflexes come in handy when knocking Chinese stars out of mid-air and flicking them with rediculous velocity at your opponent.
The arm-strength and endurance are critical. For example, there was this ninja -I forget which one- and he had to hang from the underside of this emperors commode for like fifteen hours before he was presented with the opportunity of a viscous assassination (that's actually where the spelling of assassination came from, before it was 'asasination'). You can't do that without some serious arm-strength. Back then they used bamboo poles with their dead enemies tied to them and they would use a severed head for the ball. One more training technique made illegal by The Man.
Also, once you reach a certain level at foosball, you don't want to play without a cup. Ninjas should also wear a cup or codpiece as we call them. Beyond the obvious use (spare drinking cup) they can be modified to hold extra throwing stars, poison capsules or maybe a twelve sided die. I've even seen cod pieces modified into the shape of a twelve sided die. The die comes in handy when deciding if you should disembowel someone with your teeth or center your Chi. I wasn't able to find any pics of the solid steel variety, but here's some that I like to use when hanging around the house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love foosball with every part of my body (including my pee pee).